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Home - Naturalash Eyelash Extensions Training, Eyelash-Extensions-by-Naturalash. Naturalash Home of professional eyelash extension training and certification. 

NaturaLash Tech Tip:


Properly screening your clients for allergies, is very very important.  Please follow all NaturaLash protocols and be sure to use the NaturaLash Client Consent forms and Record Keeping forms (www.NaturaLash.com/Forms), for all of your clients.

Patch testing* is recommended on all new clients, no matter what type of adhesive you are using.  Patch testing can involve a small drop of adhesives on the underside of their wrists (or another sensitive area)  If the skin are become irritated, stop immediately.  Unfortunately you must notfiy your clients that they are not a candidate for eyelash extensions.


If the clients passes a patch test, it should be ok to apply a few lashes (Approx. 5-10 per eye) before they leave.  If no irritation occurs, they are a candidate for eyelash extensions!   This type of test is absolutely necessary for clients attending special events (i.e. - Weddings!  Test them weeks before to make sure you will not be the reason for bad wedding pictures!) 


Following the patch test, you can apply a minimal amount of lashes to the clients (approx. 2-5 per eye) and then revisit in a week's time. This is a "Proper Consultation". 



*Make sure to remove the adhesive from the skin with the Adhesive Remover, followed warm water and soap.

* Regardless of allergies, if the adhesive comes in contact with the skin, it will cause irritation.